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 No matter how big or small your business, a positive brand name is important as it is how your business presents itself to the world. It also helps distinguish you from other competitors in your field. Because of this, your brand name should be unique to you—it is your whole brand’s personality. 

Your brand name represents everything about your company and you as an owner. Potential clients and investors will form opinions about your brand name first, since it is the primary point of focus. Having a unique and alluring brand name ensures that people will remember you and your business, so make sure your name is meaningful, distinct, relevant and memorable. 

Your brand name also represents where you want your business to go and the goals you want to achieve down the road. “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have” is a common phrase in the job-hunting world and it applies to brand names as well. Since you are a reflection of your company, and vice-versa, having a strong brand name can set you up for future success. 

A successful brand name should translate over to having a cohesive brand strategy which involves having a strong Logo design, digital and social media presence that help emphasize your brand’s identity, brand values and the core of your brand’s mission. Doing this will ensure your clients and costumers feel connected to your company’s name. Having a cohesive brand name and brand identity will allow you to elevate your business marketing to the ideal and right demographic. 

In the same way that your name represents you as a person, your brand name will represent your company. This will allow for a good reputation and outreach so that your business can thrive right from the start. 

In conclusion, your business identity starts with a name that best represents your company’s mission, values, personality and core of why you are in business in the first place. Coming up with a strong name isn’t always the easiest, but VALLETTA can work with you on developing not only a strong brand name but a strong brand identity that can follow through by elevating your business! 

Book a consultation with one of our team members, and let’s work together in building a successful brand for your company.